We are fast approaching Christmas and the first anniversary of Ann, our Founder, passing.

Brian would regularly be Father Christmas on his & Ann’s visits in the run-up to December.  Here he is with the children we support.  The sack is full of small toys which, along with the bags to the right, are given to our lovely Room To Learn Children.

ChiChi & I plan to visit Kalimpong in 2025 (at our own expense as all Trustees do.)  Do you or any of your friends have any soft toys you could donate?

2025 will see Room To Learn spread your love for Children further than ever as we increase the 60 Below Poverty Line (BPL) children you support to 88, giving them a much-needed step up into education, where otherwise they would fall by the wayside.

We will do this by working with additional schools outside Kalimpong in the outlying village areas as well as increasing our provision in Kalimpong itself.  As this newsletter is being written we have already researched a number of possible locations where we plan to expand the work of Room To Learn. 

This is a giant step for us and will undoubtedly bring new challenges.  We hope that it will also demonstrate that this incredible charity can apply itself far beyond the initial Geographic boundaries we have held to since 2016.

Our children are provided with their school uniform and books and share the same classrooms and facilities with fee paying families.  The village schools are less expensive than city ones, and this will allow us to increase the effectiveness of your donations to help more children than before.

Every pound raised through donations goes directly to the children’s education.  We recycle clothing from year to year, replacing only items that are worn out.  Remarkably these children rarely damage their uniforms!

Maybe you are reading this and are not currently a supporter?  If you are interested in becoming a supporter, please contact any of our Trustees.  Brian, Jacques (our secretary) & I in particular welcome calls.  Our numbers and email addresses are at the bottom of this newsletter.  We have an easy way of setting up monthly giving should you wish to, and there is a section on gifting through wills; this year saw two supporters include Room to Learn in their wills – thank you, you are amazing!

Please also share this newsletter with those who you think might be interested in joining the Room To Learn community.  All of this work is only possible because of YOU, our amazing and growing community of supporters!

Des, ChiChi, & Brian Mills

Some images from this year’s Garden Party:

As always, a wonderful spread & going quickly!

Donating online?

We didn’t need the marquee – but you never know!

Des, Brian and in the background Ellen.  All sporting scarves from Kalimpong!

Elliot & Connor manning the barbeque…  Always very popular!

Julian, Nikki and Frances having a laugh together.

Thank you for your support.

Please invite others to join our community of people who ‘give love away’

Feel free to contact us by any of these means:

Brian Mills, Manor Lodge, Old Minster Lovell, OX29 0RN.  Tel 01993 775479



Des & ChiChi Mills, 07811 175173 via WhatsApp



You can donate here:
